Friday, November 18, 2005


I think I've stumbled on on part of the reason why I get so cross with China. I am fully aware that it is a developing country, and so shouldn't expect perfection, but I believe that it is because of the very nature of its development that I get this way with it. Maybe it is a trait of all humans, but the willingness to observe adn learn from others' mistakes does not seem to be an overriding concern here. Debating the question of "Pollution first and rectification later?" should be a no-brainer when looking at the development of the west and the way we behave now, yet it is still on the cards here (and while it is being discussed the pollution continues). I wish that China would actively seek to avoid the mistakes of otehr countries, be it coal consumption in industrial revolution England (err Black Country anyone?), or deforestation in contemporary Brazil, yet for all the talk from politicians and government officials - what is happening?

China's making great strides with the negoatiations about the N.Korea nuclear program, and is leading by example there having seen that otehr parties attempts and attitudes haven't paid off as well as had been expected, but why isn't it doing so on other fronts, especially environmental ones, where their contribution is so critical on a global scale?

(that was a long sentence...I think I need to rest my fingers)


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